RPGM WIP Inma Sugoroku 2


Jun 28, 2019
Hey, I’m alive. As for the status of the translation, virtually zero progress has been made. Several months ago, I basically bought a new computer, but I forgot to move all my rpg maker engines. I haven’t worked on translation for a long time, but that didn’t help. That said, even before the new computer, I could not figure out how to actually translate the game. Somehow, Inma Sugoroku is using excel spreadsheets for the dialogue. How this works, I have no clue.

I have also not been translating the game because I learned that three new characters will be added within a month or so. This prompted me to not touch the game until they’ve been added.

I apologize for no contact in the past couple of years. I have no excuse. I simply got burned out and bored with it. I will try to return to it at some point since some interesting games have come out, but I can’t guarantee anything. I apologize for the disappointing news and lack of updates.


Jan 27, 2021
Spreadsheets??????? Is that sequel made with MV? Because such thing being possible in XP must be some high-level wizardy with how archaic the first iteration of RGSS is.

About the progress, I can totally understand you, I also had my own kinds of projects (before anyone asks, no, I'm not a translator) that stalled for over two years until I eventually gave up.
Better seek help with someone very, very experienced in RPGMaker scripting and take your time without hurry
No worry man, I believe in you
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New Member
Aug 16, 2018
Long time lurker here, I haven't checked this thread in I don't know how long but it's good to hear it's not dead.

Try to keep that enthusiasm, super excited to see this translated properly.
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Sep 29, 2019
Somehow, Inma Sugoroku is using excel spreadsheets for the dialogue. How this works, I have no clue.
So y'know how in the U.S. we basically do everything under the sun with Word and Power Point to the point it's expected?
That's Excel in Japan. It's not totally surprising it's used as a format although it is a bit weird.
You can make ANIMATIONS in excel! It's absurd.
That said if anyone needs a hand with proofreading or can get me the actual raw script to translate, I can offer that much. I really wanna see this game get that treatment.


Dec 16, 2021
"I really wanna see this game get that treatment."

Ditto. I'd be willing to pick up a share of the translation - this game was really fun. I'm kind of on a drift in the TL scene atm so I'd be doing it pretty hobby-ish. Lemme know if that'd be okay with you.