Identify 3D Game, Female Protag - You have a fairy/devil conscience (forgot the game) - detailed description = RPGM


Feb 21, 2021
Basically you play as this female blonde MC who has a "fairy" conscience and "demon" conscience and you can make decisions based on either. You get enough points for a 'special scene'.

- In the evening/when you sleep you can choose to enter the "demon world" or the "fairy world" and do tasks here. Demon world is sexual stuff/more corrupt, Fairy world had like some elf or something...

Right at the start of the game you go into the garden and I THINK you find underwear or something. You can then lie to your sister and her boyfriend (who is a dickhead) about the underwear...

You also go to a 'party' dressed as a cheerleader if you do "good" things on the first day for your sisters boyfriend... (think you need to keep you decisions good so he takes you to the party or something)

Any help would be grateful thanks