New Thread Ratings

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Unity  Mad Island [v0.05 Steam] [E-made+]
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is very tedious and unforgiving, also there is BARELY any direction.
    You can just watch sissy porn for 1 day and then you are ready to immediatly buy female clothes and nobody reacts to it. It makes no sense.
    This game is not well thought out and is too much of a beta sandbox for me.
    It has some potential but even after all this time I still dislike the whole direction the game is going.
    HTML  Fresh Starts [v0.5.1] [LordOfChange]
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Black Souls II isn't just a game, it's an experience. It throws you headfirst into a hauntingly beautiful world, filled with both breathtaking vistas and lurking dangers. The gothic atmosphere is expertly crafted, leaving you constantly on edge, unsure of what horrors might await around the next corner.
    RPGM Completed  Black Souls II [v1.13 Official translation] [Eeny, meeny, miny, moe?]
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this so much:) Please update this game more and continue this because we need more games like this. Hopefully things like sissification and chastity will be introduced and the beta white boy will be fully emasculated
    VN Ren'Py  Hiroki's Nightmare [v0.1] [Yuumi]
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I know my opinion is going to be unpopular, because it's a niche game. But there are games where the main theme is NTR and they have good renders and a good story.
    In this game, the story is terrible and so are the renders. Seeing this game, I downloaded the previous versions and played them yesterday. The truth is, the girl goes from 0 to 100 in one scene. In the first scene she is a normal girl, in the second she is fully tattooed and is a whore.
    The narrator then tries to explain how she came to be like this, but nothing fits and everything is forced.
    There are other alternatives, as I say, with a good story, a progression of corruption and not this game that failed to give me even an erection, and look, the NTR is not the topic that I am most passionate about, but I don't dislike it either.

    English is not my original language, some parts have been translated with Google Translate. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    VN Ren'Py  Hiroki's Nightmare [v0.1] [Yuumi]
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    In the most understandable way possible:

    This is TOO Japanese for me! I'm not one to look up trivia or logistics on a game, unless I really love it, but...

    What you have here is one gigantic commercial to/ information on/ incentive to use...


    As someone who doesn't own one, and never used one, a lot of it is wasted on me.

    Let's say you are the opposite of that, for the sake of argument. Many of the H-scenes are probably "built" with the assumption that you have an onahole in your hand at the moment. That's what it feels like. So, go for it, if that's the case.

    No good or bad parameters this time, the game is not for me and I don't have much to rate:

    - Many H-scenes have V.A - And by all the gods you can imagine, adult games need voice acting. Make some sort of note if you are a dev, V.A propels your game to another level, even with cheap actors. I was very pleased with this, and the V.A is not bad at all, but still limited due to the nature of the game.

    - The game treats you like a fellow pervert - Grab your onahole, they provide different settings, and you take care of the rest. There's a number of different tags here but masochism, femdom, and cross dressing seem to be prominent. There's also some "extreme content", like a young girl (says I, who knows how old a 2d girl is supposed to be) and a pad, and some blood... but they warn you about it.

    (Warning: the first 20 scenes I saw all featured an onahole. At some point the guy will have "regular sex", but it takes time)

    - The gameplay is "violently catering" to the notion of mechanical - To a point where the "uber" classification comes to mind. You are quite literally going from point A to B, solve a quest, watch an H- scene, rinse and repeat. They even teleport you around for good measure. It's a horrible feeling, that destroys any fun I could possibly be having.

    (Important: They warn you that this is how things work for the first part of the game, if nothing else they are not trying to trick you with anything)

    - Many meta references/jokes - Whether it's types of onaholes, other videogames, tropes of the reincarnated hero/demon lord setting, or even it's own choices and mechanics. I don't have a problem with it, and I thought some of it was fun at first. That feeling didn't last long, though. It's a dangerous approach to things, if you ask me, subverting expectations is not an easy business. They might be on the right track, it's hard to say.

    Finally, the game does serve its purpose. The idea of buying an onahole never crossed my mind, but (inception-style) the seeds of an idea were planted. Mission accomplished?

    Disclaimer: I played this for a couple of hours and saw 47 of 110(?) achievements, I have no idea if it gets better further down the line (more people need to mention how much they actually saw of the game when reviewing it).

    I'd say this a 6/10, but I'm probably being generous. Long story short this doesn't work for me, but there's no reason to just ignore it based on that. Give it a go, it may awaken something deep inside of you.
    RPGM Completed  Onahole Quest [v2.00] [Maistar]
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Just another ask save for gallery type of game, there is no h battle only lose to see scene, game is boring meant to be played with cheat even the game providd you with easy mode.
    Art is superb, the voice acting is nice but i can just read h-manga or go watch hentai if i want that.
    RPGM Completed  Holy Light Flash Princess Pony Celes [v1.01] [SukiyaKING]
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Like many at first, I was hesitant about the art style along with it being in an universe similar to War-Hammer 40k as it does not fit my particular taste in fiction. However, following my time with this game. I have to state that this game is a masterpiece in the making.

    Firstly, the writing is what sold me on diving deep into this game. Multiple choices impact how the world changes around you. Combining that with being able to set up how your bureaucrat sees reality is a wonderful feeling of immersion. All fo the characters feel real and I always want to engage one in conversation to figure out their point of view and if it opens up new content. The story that is here is early in development but I am very intrigue to see where it goes and what can happen next!

    Secondly, the art aces the impression of a massive futuristic city that is overly stretched and can no longer be maintained. The characters also each look unique and their looks can give hints to what they are like. Not to mention the way the backgrounds are drawn with such detail are masterful.

    Lastly, the ero content is pleasing to engage with and the scenes are enhanced by the writing and the choices you can make with the available cast. What is here already makes me want to see what else the author will do with the ero content and how it will tie in with the story.

    Overall, despite being early in development, this game is a gem which you came to play for the erotic content but will stay more for the story and the choices you make. I wish the developer the best as they push forward!
    VN Ren'Py  Imperium Bureaucracy Hero [v0.2.1] [Munitions Mori]
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.53


    - Gorgeous art.
    - Great level design.
    - Great sex animations.
    - Great characters.
    - Funny, seriously funny. (the vegan jokes always cracked me)
    - Decent story.
    (not that i care to be honest, i'm only here for the goblin pussy)

    - For a RPGM, the battle system isn't as boring as most RPGM's.
    And if you don't care about the battles, you can skip them all together.
    I'll elaborate more on this later.


    - The old CG's needs a renewal. (preferably the goblins)
    - Need more sex animations other than mostly missionary.


    Great potential to become something amazing.
    And to me that is worth a 5 stars, even accounting the bugs.
    Such as the quest book not working properly as of this version.
    As long it doesn't lose it's potential that is.

    And lastly.

    One thing the dev could do to turn the combat even more engaging (so the people that don't like the RPGM combat, don't skip it) is to add a battle fuck system.
    Maybe even add the goblin girls as companions when the human companions are not in your party and so on.
    Just an idea.
    RPGM  Goblin Layer [v0.53] [Parodos]
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: 2019.1.2.6210

    There is not much to say here. You play Crazy Eights, which has nearly no strategy, with the 'goal' of going out first. If you don't go out first, the customer who did fucks you in a brief scene with varying levels of non-consent.

    There is no depth, the limited story does not serve any purpose but to set up the reason why losing = sex.

    If you like visuals and just want to see a girl get fucked with like 20 lines of text per scene (I think 3 scenes total, 1 for each NPC guy that can fuck you), it's a good game for you. The art is definitely not bad.

    Probably a 1.5 star game.
    Unity Completed  I'll Get a Bonus Paycheck if I Beat the Customers? ~The Urge to Earn Easy Money~ [2019.1.2.6210] [AleCubicSoft]
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't normally write reviews, good or bad.
    I don't know how to make games, I don't speak English, I don't want to judge anyone.

    However, this time I will write something, because the enthusiastic reviews generated by AI are a serious problem. These reviews have been removed after being reported to moderation! but there is no guarantee that it won't happen again.

    The game itself isn't VERY bad, it deserves a solid rating of 3/10.

    As for the script and characters - I completely agree with what Skylaroo writes (previous review), I have nothing to add.

    I just wanted to add that the "problem" with the height of several male models in the game is a deliberate action of the developer.

    Why 3 (I think 3? or maybe only 2?) male characters - including the MC - were made to be "below average height" is a mystery to me. However, it makes a very bad impression. Of course a 19 year old man CAN look like a chimpanzee, but why?!?

    VN Ren'Py  Steps to Fame [v0.1] [LimWick]
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, actually deserving of 5 stars. Has some of the best art on the site AI or not. Girls are hot. No grind. Easy to progress impossible to get confused. infinitely more content then 99% of games with only a couple version releases.
    Ren'Py  Monster Tutor [v0.1.2] [Nuteku]
    Likes: Nuteku
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, I don't get the appeal. The art is fine but not great, the characters have no depth or characterisation, the gameplay is boring and grindy, etc. It seems to me like one of the main draws of a corruption game is the character being corrupted and when the characters are so bland and uninteresting and all interaction with them consists of repeating the same actions again and again, well, I'm just not drawn to it. I don't get it.
    Ren'Py  Rogue-like: Evolution [v1.51f] [Oni]
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Finished the game I think (not sure if there is any content remaining in current patch), it has good potential, but currently lacking guidance especially for first-time users who aren't used to it. Puzzles are a nice touch requiring some exploration in order to solve it.

    Perhaps an addition of a map and "Uncompleted Quests" section can help players navigate to unlock content. An addition of a gallery would also be good to view unlocks for better replayability, as well as an accelerated development timeline if possible
    Unity  Roundscape Eclipse [v0.2] [Arvus Games]
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I get that the game maker wanted to set up a scenario where a supposedly purely heterosexual male could be forced into a female body and then just via a pill and trainer characters be turned into a nympho bimbo slut. I am not even complaining about that despite how unrealistically quick the pills take effect. As in .1s from ingestion to full brainless nympho bimbodoll.

    But the player has to sit through completely linear one-track play with absolutely no way of changing what happens or refusing to take the pills / not attend the classes until long after I finally said "Eff it!" and uninstalled the thing. Even just a single day of that is really too much railroading much less a week of it. Which includes multiple "concentual" sexual encounters with guys despite supposedly being relatively brain intact as a reluctant participant.

    You are forced for most of the turns each day to follow a railroad schedule. During the 2 "free" night periods and before doing the forced slot actions you have no ability to try finding a means of escape, no ability to try finding a safe area to force regurgitate the pills you have been given. Etc.

    I fail to see how anyone who KNEW they used to be different and knows for a fact that the pills have a weird effect on them, and knows that they did not want this, would happily swallow dozens of them for days without even the option of pretending to swallow or vomiting up the pills. I am happy to roleplay a person who wants to be changed, I am happy to roleplay a person who is reluctantly changed every step of the way, but I absolutely refuse to play someone who is too stupid to use their own reasonably working brain even if they have the excuse that they are heavily drugged. If the drug really was impairing their thinking to the extent that this game forces the inactivity for so long, then it also would impair their ability to even do fitness and yoga routines. For that matter, that kind of an impairment would make the recipient too gone to even dress themselves.
    HTML  Girl by Accident [v0.6.0] [JellyStone]
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    this one is soo fucking good, well the first premise of a cuck son is really good and the trigger for the ending is really good to, as for the character design, it's really good but i dont know how can a cock come out from the pant like that,for now im just hop the dev not gonna abandon this game
    VN Ren'Py  A Sequence of Events [v0.01] [AnonDux]
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it's a good game and very well made graphics, the plot looks very good, and the sounds of the hot scenes seem very accurate to me, the updates are quite fast and that's the most important thing, so that's why my rating is as much as possible, continue at that pace of updates and I'm sure you will have great success
    VN Ren'Py  The Synthetic [Ep. 3] [Carbon]
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    i am taking the time to write this review to save you from wasting time on this game. while the game-over animations are nice, the game as a whole is not worth your time. just go play escape dungeon 2/3 instead as while they're not perfect either are a slightly better improvement on this game.
    Unity Completed  Escape Dungeon [FInal] [Hide games]
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Aria Nurazky

    I like 1st H-Scene when she get captured, but after futa appeared, I didn't enjoy the h-scenes a bit. but for the story I quite enjoyed it until the ending.

    4/5 For story
    4/5 For Defeated H-Scene
    3/5 For Battle H-scene
    RPGM Completed  BegieAdeII ~The False Hallelujah~ [v1.07] [PLANET PANDEMIC]
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game, bought it on steam and have played it for over 30hrs so far. ive unlocked all gates and portals, and have a large collection of nephelym. tho the fact that incest is not allowed, does make breeding difficult sometimes. especially if you cant keep up with who is whos parent, grand parent, child, and so on. it does tell you who the mother and father are of each Neph, but if they are simply named wild neph then you got problems lol. but other then that the game is amazing and i hope to see more areas, more Nephelym, and more Quests! keep up the good work
    Unreal Engine  Breeders of the Nephelym [v0.761.52] [DerelictHelmsman]