New Thread Ratings

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good start, i really like and i think have potencial :) Good Job dude.
    Maybe in the future we can choose to denegated some futas and being Agresive that have repercussions like some Black Mail or Rape escenes? Maybe too kinky LOL.
    VN Ren'Py  Futa Dominium [0.0.5] [AB Software]
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I personally quite enjoyed the game. Its a tad grindy which I didn't appreciate, but it kept me busy for a few hours. I didn't bother with getting any of the cup size upgrades as Ds were perfect size for me. I liked having the character creator for getting some of the challenges done to unlock other items in the shop. The game is free, so I don't see a reason to not give it a shot.
    Unity Completed  Public Bath - A Rural Bathhouse Where You Can Casually Bathe And Interact With Strangers [v2024.05.31] [I am Lewd Master]
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Entertaining, not much of a arching plot but more slice of life. Word choice can be a little awkward but its overall pretty well written. More of a 4 star game, but will give 5th star for huge of amount of content relative to how long its been in development. Fun game to play
    VN Ren'Py  Monster College [v0.8.4] [Monster Eye Games]
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A very good game, which will hardly ever be completed. One more for the list waiting for the developer to return... At least it's been a great journey so far, if the project ever comes back, I hope the developer can do what he dreamed of for the game.
    VN Ren'Py Onhold  Evermore [v0.5.1] [Prometheus]
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    loli and incest tags. :sneaky:
    Love the animations and the orifice collisions, models are nice too
    VN Ren'Py  That New Teacher [Day 4] [RogueOne]
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The game fails at the beginning, I think some things happen very abruptly and even confusingly in certain parts, but as it progresses the game takes shape and then starts to follow a more concise path, the characters have their motivations, the girls They are wonderful, and you come to like each one of them. Unfortunately, the developer had to stop the project to focus on his work, it's understandable, but it's still sad, especially for those who had supported the project for so many years and dreamed of seeing the game completed, in addition to Dev having planned a redesign of the game and another from the same universe, I imagine it would be very difficult to focus on so many projects and maintain a social life, anyway, maybe if the project comes back one day I'll give it a higher rating but for now that's it. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
    VN Ren'Py Onhold  Evermore [v0.5.1] [Prometheus]
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The game would be "just okay" if it was actually finished, and even after waiting a few months for major patches, it's still... missing massively important parts of the plot, to the point the entire sequence before the ending is basically without dialogue.

    It really feels like the game pretends there's way more going on then there actually is, since all the worldbuilding and terminal entries almost always do absolutely nothing for the player besides add some extremely insignificant lore dumps for the world.

    I do however have hope that once the level editor is out, that there will be a lot more actually enjoyable bits of (community made) content, considering I had more fun on a random map-pack somebody made with the level editor for the Earth level demo, then I did for almost the entire "soft release" version of the game. As well as a few other map-packs, but the level editor was blocked behind a 60$(?) patreon tier last I knew, but will be free.... eventually.

    Also the dev seems to hide a bunch of secrets in the game, has dozens of endings, etc, all to the game for worldbuilding I suppose, but it's all just more walls of text in the end that functionally do and change almost nothing. There are far more entertaining ways to add that in then pure text dumps hidden away.

    The game probably would've been better had it not been an h-game at all, but I suppose they wouldn't of gotten as much attention if it wasn't.
    Oh well.
    Others Completed  Future Fragments [v1.0.1] [HentaiWriter]
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this has to be one of my favs. Fantastic art, interesting world and good writing. Yeah progress might not have been the fastest, but I feel like it's accelerated somewhat.

    Eryn and the mc make for an amazing couple as well
    Ren'Py  Refuge of Embers [v0.15b] [Escape Sauce]
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    He was doing sooooo good then the remake happend and now we have to wait prob 1.5 - 2 years intill we will get new content. i think most can agree that the grapic was good but its the story that are carrying !!!

    GGs see you in 2 years
    VN Ren'Py  New Coral City [S2 v0.3 Hotfix] [HoneyGames]
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    My honest rating would actually be a 3.5, but since F95 doesn't allow that, I can either round up or down. I decided to round up because the positives generally outweigh the negatives.

    On the positive side, this hits my mind control fetish and choices are frequent and matter a great deal as to the way the story goes. My favorite aspect of visual novels is making choices to affect a story and I always try to make it clear to devs that I don't need sandboxes and minigames. This gives me what I want from a visual novel. There are a lot of different routes you can go down. Some end abruptly, but some are really well fleshed out.

    On the negative end, the art is unappealing at best and ugly at worst. I have yet to experience a game that perfectly combines my mind control fetish, good art, and a good story. Usually one of the three is always missing. In this case, it's the art. Several of the girls are just straight up ugly.

    On the whole, a pretty good story, even if not perfect. Worth it if you're a fan of games with mind control like me, or if you're not like me and you enjoy the more eccentric art styles that sometimes pop up in VNs. If you don't go for either of those things though, I can't imagine it'd be worth it to play.
    VN Ren'Py  Stellar Incognita [v0.9.2] [Slamjax Games]
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Usually I do not review games at early stage of development. In this case the situation is different – the game has been tagged as abandoned (by the dev) and there is no reason to wait for more content. Which is a pity, I should say from the beginning.

    The artwork is original and interesting, though its quality is not always great, especially because of the resolution. I like the views of Italian cities – it’s not that often that in the games we can see views we can recognize. It’s fresh and nice. The strongest side of the game is – or should be – the plot. The story’s point of departure comes from real life problems and the possible corruption of Laura is believable. I like slow burn games and this is (would be) certainly one of such instances. My problem is with in-game choices: they suggest various paths for the FMC but at the current – and unfortunately final – stage of development they are practically meaningless.

    The writing is better than ok, though one may find some typing errors and mistakes (like ‘his’ instead of ‘her’ or ‘she’/’her’ when talking about an actor). By the way – the Latin expression is ‘alea iacta est’ and not ‘alea jacta est’ (it’s funny I can make such remarks about a porn game… I would never expect that. Though I should correct myself: it seems more an erotic game than a porn one).

    It is obvious for me that the inspiration for the game comes from the Italian movie ‘Una moglie bellisima’ (A Beautiful Wife, 2007) with Laura Torrisi. Even the first name speaks for itself… To make it clear: I do not blame the dev for it. Just opposite, it would be interesting to see various paths or options and compare them to the movie. It’s a pity we won’t see them. But if you are interested, you can watch the movie and check what happened to Laura (or the character she played) in this flick.

    I have almost forgotten to explain the rating. The game has a lot of potential and in a finished or more advanced version would easily earn a perfect five. But here we deal rather with a promise of a good game than with a ‘full experience’ – and I am talking about sex scenes and decisions, for instance. On the other hand, I had fun, anyway. More fun than with some finished games. So – the final verdict is ‘four’.
    VN Ren'Py Abandoned  A Wife at Stake [v0.030] [eHellJay]
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the most fun sidescrollers I've played since hollowknight/shantae, the gameplay alone makes this worth it, the fact the fanservice is S tier is just the cherry on top, takes a while to get all the skills that make comboing feel insane but it's worth it, the boss was also very fun and challenging, kinda wish I got double jump before fighting him rather than as a reward for beating him cause it'd have made the fight much easier. I also would have liked a spike attack at times when I am bouncing on top of opponents but that plus wall jump are both likely future power ups. I genuinely can't praise this game enough.
    Others  Princess Reconquista [v0.3] [Sorry Karl]
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the most fun sidescrollers I've played since hollowknight/shantae, the gameplay alone makes this worth it, the fact the fanservice is S tier is just the cherry on top, takes a while to get all the skills that make comboing feel insane but it's worth it, the boss was also very fun and challenging, kinda wish I got double jump before fighting him rather than as a reward for beating him cause it'd have made the fight much easier. I also would have liked a spike attack at times when I am bouncing on top of opponents but that plus wall jump are both likely future power ups. I genuinely can't praise this game enough.
    Others None  Princess Reconquista
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Unbelievably good render quality. The attention to detail is frankly shocking and was amazing to see. Don't usually like 3dcg games, but this one was something else entirely. Voice acting was very high quality as well.
    Only shortfall was the amount of scenes, but there is still a solid amount.
    Unity Completed  The Secret Atelier [Final] [KENZsoft]
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This is for version 0.32.

    I leave this rating with the magical word of "potential" and my hope that it does not get abandoned or scope creeped like so many other HTML games.

    Story: It's what it says on the label. You play as a woman that works for the FBI, the deal being that they're investigating crimes that hack the brain tech thing people have in order to control them and the like. It's written fairly well, scenes are short and to the point - enough flavor to not be dry, but without 15 pages of exposition as some games of this genre try to do.

    Content and Pacing: The reason I knocked a star off, is honestly it's going a bit too fast. It starts off pretty good, some hypno/hacking to make you more of an exhibitionist and stop wearing underwear, and wear some more revealing clothing. Then the next one is reducing your resistance to further hypno. And then before we even get to wanting to do a blowjob or anything, we have taking a magical pill that turns her into a bimbo and gets more effective the more she cums as she gets fucked in the club bathroom. Then after that she goes for another session and gets a second personality implanted in her that will wake up when given a command word to make her obedient. Then, while still under the effects of the pill, we have some portal shenanigans as she starts to get fucked through getting tricked into wearing the magical portal clothing.

    What's there is good, and pretty hot - but these are scenes I would expect to see somewhere later in like a mid-tier of the corruption. Not right out the gate. It's certainly better then the other extreme a lot of these games take where you click through pointless days for weeks before you get a single advancement of wanting to wear makeup now, but it could certainly be better paced.

    I'd also note that this review is somewhat speculative, as it stands there's barely any content - but I am writing it based off the hope that the dev continues to work on it and produces a finished game that is similar to what we have so far.
    HTML  Future Agent [v0.32] [Parsifal123123]
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Luna Granger

    excellent renders, character modeling, a nice story. bad point story is too short and there is no development btw mc and ladies. I would like too see development relationships. But u need to try this game even!!
    VN Ren'Py Completed  Adverse Effects [Final] [CellStudios]
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Very shallow game.
    You fish and unlock upgrades to your fishing gear, which can give you access to girls of various descriptions.
    Catching the girls gives a "scene", which is really just a very short loop, and is overly pixellated so doesnt really have any detail at all.
    Soundtrack is a banger though at least
    Unity Completed  Exquisite Fishing [Final] [PinkySoul]
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is absolutely hot and wild, all the models are made with love I assure that! So why then 4 stars and I'm answering it's because this game has been always in alpha development stage since 2017 and seems like it's never be finished whatever patreons Steve gets
    Unreal Engine  Wild Life [Patreon Build 2024.04.19] [Adeptus Steve]
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    it is a online game that is all it is........................................................................gjgjgjkgkjghhkdsjkdjkdjkadfjkasdkflasdkflasjfklasfaklsdfjadlkfajsdfklasjldfaklsdsjfaskdgfsdhfsdkfhasdfas;dlf
    HTML  Lust for Life [v0.46 Public] [MartinDrake]
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay concept, but the game just isn´t good.

    The art is the best thing but they all look very similar and I got bored pretty quick about the art.

    The combat is just bad and doesn´t feel good to play.

    The background look awful and don´t fit with the the character artstyle at all.

    The story and dialogue are just boring, exactly like the sex scenes boring.

    Wouldn´t recommend at all, only if you thing the artstyle is the most amazing thing you have seen.
    Ren'Py Completed  Project WAND: Festival of Futas [Final] [Team Summoner]